The average rent in Swansea is currently £1,084pcm, down 1.45% from last month, and up 33.83% from March 2021.
There are 590 properties currently available to let in Swansea, down 7.67% from last month, and down 30.91% from March 2021. So far this year, the number of available properties has only decreased.
Average Asking Rents in Swansea, March 2022
1 bed | 2 bed | 3 bed | 4 bed | 5 bed | |
Houses | £739pcm | £780pcm | £930pcm | £1,116pcm | £1,243pcm |
Flats | £693pcm | £1,179pcm | £1,021pcm | £1,143pcm | £1,444pcm |
All | £702pcm | £1048pcm | £950pcm | £119pcm | £1,249pcm |
Difference from February 2022
1 bed | 2 bed | 3 bed | 4 bed | 5 bed | |
Houses | -3.27% | 0.39% | -0.85% | -4.70% | -3.64% |
Flats | 11.95% | 29.42% | 26.21% | -4.67% | 10.06% |
All | 8.17% | 22.29% | 4.63% | -89.86% | -3.25% |
Number of Properties Available in Swansea, March 2022
1 bed | 2 bed | 3 bed | 4 bed | 5 bed | |
Houses | 32 | 30 | 62 | 91 | 138 |
Flats | 142 | 62 | 17 | 12 | 4 |
All | 174 | 92 | 79 | 103 | 142 |
Difference from February 2022
1 bed | 2 bed | 3 bed | 4 bed | 5 bed | |
Houses | -11.11% | -14.29% | -11.43% | -14.15% | -11.54% |
Flats | 1.43% | 16.98% | -19.05% | -25.00% | -33.33% |
All | -1.14% | 4.55% | -13.19% | -15.57% | -12.35% |
Source: Zoopla (as at 18/02/22)
Related: Rental Tracker February 2022, Wales Leads the Way on Asking Rents Growth