The average rent in Swansea is currently £1,079pcm, down 0.46% from last month, and up 28.91% from April 2021.
There are 600 properties currently available to let in Swansea, up 1.69% from last month, and down 16.55% from April 2021. This is the first time this year that the number of available properties has increased from the previous month.
Average Asking Rents in Swansea, April 2022
1 bed | 2 bed | 3 bed | 4 bed | 5 bed | |
Houses | £616pcm | £762pcm | £961pcm | £1,105pcm | £1,280pcm |
Flats | £715pcm | £1,201pcm | £1,160pcm | £1,239pcm | £1,550pcm |
All | £700pcm | £1,052pcm | £998pcm | £1,121pcm | £1,290pcm |
Difference from March 2022
1 bed | 2 bed | 3 bed | 4 bed | 5 bed | |
Houses | -16.64% | -2.31% | 3.33% | -0.99% | 2.98% |
Flats | 3.17% | 1.87% | 13.61% | 8.40% | 7.34% |
All | -0.28% | 0.38% | 5.05% | 0.18% | 3.28% |
Number of Properties Available in Swansea, April 2022
1 bed | 2 bed | 3 bed | 4 bed | 5 bed | |
Houses | 26 | 34 | 73 | 88 | 133 |
Flats | 146 | 66 | 17 | 12 | 5 |
All | 172 | 100 | 90 | 100 | 138 |
Difference from March 2022
1 bed | 2 bed | 3 bed | 4 bed | 5 bed | |
Houses | -18.75% | 13.33% | 17.74% | -3.30% | -3.62% |
Flats | 2.82% | 6.45% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 25.00% |
All | -1.15% | 8.70% | 13.92% | -2.91% | -2.82% |
Source: Zoopla (as at 27/03/22)