Employment status Full time employed Part time employed Retired Funded mature student Home maker / partner employed Other
No. of children moving 0 1 2 3 4 5
Maximum monthly budget Upto £400 £400 - £500 £500 - £600 £600 - £700 £700 - £800 £800 - £900 £900 - £1000 £1000 - £1100 £1100 - £1200 £1200 and over Property preference Detached Semi-detached Terrace Flat Studio Bungalow
Furnishing preference Furnished Unfurnished Part-furnished No preference Parking required Yes No No preference When can you move? 1-4 weeks 4 weeks plus Not sure
Preferred method of contact? By phone By email
How did you hear about us? Web search - McCartan website Rightmove Zoopla Let board Recommendation Other
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