Welcome to the Penultimate Newsletter of the Year!
This month, we are discussing the difficulties housing benefit applicants have in the Private Rented Sector, as homelessness charity Shelter get headline news on their war on landlords.
We also review Rent Smart Wales (now in its 3rd year of operations), and closer to home, I will be doing a 22-mile charity swim to raise funds for Friends of Dunvant Park to provide a much-needed fence for the children's playground.
Check out our latest buy-to-let deal of the month (on one of our favourite streets in Upland), and see how Swansea's rental market is performing in our Rental Tacker. Finally, please take note of our Christmas opening hours!
Wishing you and yours a very festive break,
- Hannah, Managing Director
Homelessness charity Shelter are pointing the figure at landlords and letting agents, but it isn't necessarily them who are discriminating - it's mortgage lenders.
It’s now been 2 years since it became a legal obligation. Prosecutions are rolling in, and the Welsh Govt have conducted an evaluation study on the scheme.
22 miles, 12 weeks - MD Hannah will be swimming the length of the English Channel to raise funds for a fence for Dunvant Park Playground. Check out and support her incredible challenge here!
Details of when our office will be open, when landlords can expect rental payments, and how tenants can report maintenance.
In an excellent and ever-popular location, our BTL deal of the month just needs a little TLC to become a fantastic rental property.
We're seeing an increase in supply this month, and a decrease in average rents. Take a look at what we're doing to help our properties let!